Sorry I've been absent the last week. We've been dealing with our nightmare of a property manager. It's been one thing after another with him and the latest is that we had agreed to have our tile in our tub replaced. Well he originally wanted the work to start last
Wednedsay and we told him no we wanted it to start on Thursday if possible.....because we wanted to have as little disruption during the work week as possible. Since we were going to have to stay in a hotel while the work was being done. So he agreed that the work would start on Thursday and be done on Saturday. Fine. Great.
So what do you think I see when I get home from work on Wednesday??? Yup you guessed it half of our tub tile torn out but not only that all of our stuff in the bathroom has been removed and thrown into a pile! L.I.V.I.D that would describe me! UGH!
So I'm not going to talk about that anymore, I'm going to a happier place. Blog Awards. :o)
The first is from Brittany Ann from Living in the Moment I just love her blog, I think she's the sweetest girl!!! Thanks Brittany Ann!
The next one is from Miss Lindsay from One day at a Time another super sweet girl with a super sweet blog!! Thanks girl!!!
I would like to give these awards to my 12 most recent followers!! Ya'll rock!! : )
Who saw True Blood on Sunday?!?!?!?! LOVED IT!!!! Can't wait to see more!!
And who's watching the Real Housewives of New Jersey tonight!!!?!? I'm catching up on the episodes right now!!! So much stinkin drama!!! love it!!
I still need to watch Southern Belles of Louisville, I've heard it's really good!